Kṣānti/Parneet Chohan
Parneet Chohan, MACP, CCC, SEP is a counsellor, somatic experiencing® practitioner and naturotherapist in private practice living in Montreal for the past 11 years. They utilize mindfulness & dharmic principles, along with authentic relating and social justice values to create a hybrid space for liberation, wholeness and embodiment to manifest. Parneet’s work is rooted in anti-capitalist, queer, feminist and Buddhist wisdom.
Parneet works with marginalized individuals & communities as a private practitioner, authentic relating facilitator, mindfulness coach, and events coordinator. They works to alchemize politicized knowledge into spiritual, interpersonal and intrapersonal heart and body wisdom. When deemed important, they identify as queer, non-binary, female bodied, racialized, second generation canadian, immigrant, and is building courage to acknowledge their neurodivergence.